Nile Guest House - Hotel in Chennai

Address:Adam market, 337, Triplicane High Rd, Indra Nagar, Ellis Puram, Padupakkam, Triplicane, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600005, India

Nile Guest House Price and Availability

Check In Time :24 HRS| Check Out Time: 24 HRS |

  • 2 Suitable Guests
  • 3 Max Guests


Room with all modern amenities and conveniences for the business or holiday travellers also wonderfully designed to create the perfect ambience of utmost leisure and comfort for all our clients.


805 INR
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Nile Guest House Photos

Nile Guest House Photos

Nile Guest House, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600005 is a top choice for travelers seeking a great place to stay. This hotel is one of the Hotel in Chennai. Our hotel offers modern amenities. When you choose to stay at our hotel, you'll experience excellent service and modern amenities. Whether you're here to explore the city's culture or attending important business meetings, our hotel offers the perfect blend of comfort and convenience. It is one of the best Hotel in Chennai.

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Nile Guest House Reviews

google review

Sagar Joshi

a month agoon google


I stayed there for one day, and overall, the experience was nice. The staff was friendly and cooperative, and the best thing about this place is that it is super affordable. However, I have one suggestion: please increase the range of the Wi-Fi, as it cannot get slow .

google review

Kumar Himanshu

8 months agoon google


The chairperson at desk was So humble and so genuine, loved the behaviour.... Room -> clean nice and in budget.... We enjoyed the stay. I had booked offline, offline they provide 24 hours checkout and I think you get a good deal as well, as you select the room you want... AC not needed in winters. I never visited in summer so can't say about that. Rakesh the person who served and carried luggage was also good and happy one. Triplicane market nearby, you can have some good restraunts to eat and shops to shop. Overall awesome.

google review

Jaddu Dhina

3 months agoon google


Room's good 👍😊 but service very very bad 😡 many times telling toilet cleaning and room cleaning not coming any person. Free Wifi available 😊

google review

Shahriar Rabbi

4 weeks agoon google


One of the best budget frndly hotel. Rooms were clean.

google review

Amal Dominic Joseph

a month agoon google


I recently stayed at Nile Guest House and overall, it was a good experience for the price. The guest house offers decent accommodation at a very affordable rate, making it a solid option for budget travelers. The rooms were clean, and the basic amenities provided were sufficient for a comfortable stay. However, there were a few areas where improvement would be appreciated. The service was friendly, but it could have been more attentive. One notable inconvenience was that guests had to collect their own water, which felt a bit inconvenient, especially after a long day of travel. It would greatly enhance the guest experience if this service were streamlined, perhaps by providing water directly in the rooms or making it more accessible. Nile Guest House offers good value for money, especially if you're looking for a budget-friendly option. With a few tweaks in service, particularly regarding water access, it could become an even better choice for travelers.

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Nile Guest House: A Great Place to Stay

Nile Guest House is a wonderful place to stay when you visit the beautiful town of [City]. It’s only a short walk away from the nature landscape and other tourist location, making it very convenient.

Nile Guest House: Comfortable and Affordable

Nile Guest House has different types of rooms and suites to fit everyone’s needs and budget. Each room has modern amenities like air conditioning, free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and private balconies.

Nile Guest House: ExceptionalService

What makes Nile Guest House special is its great service. The staff are friendly and always work hard to make sure guests have a wonderful stay. We help with things like getting rides, booking tours, or handling special requests. The team at Nile Guest House is very good at taking care of guests.