Kee2 Wood House - Hotel in Kodaikanal

Address:Kee2 Wood House, Senbahanoor, VGP Nagar, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu 624101, India

Kee2 Wood House Price and Availability

Check In Time :11:00 AM| Check Out Time: 10:00 AM |

Kee2 Wood House | King Wood Room
  • 2 Suitable Guests
  • 3 Max Guests

King Wood Room

Room with all modern amenities and conveniences for the business or holiday travellers also wonderfully designed to create the perfect ambience of utmost leisure and comfort for all our clients.

King Wood Room Room Only

2587.5 INR
Book @337.5
Remaing pay@hotel

Kee2 Wood House | Queen Wood Room
  • 2 Suitable Guests
  • 3 Max Guests

Queen Wood Room

Room with all modern amenities and conveniences for the business or holiday travellers also wonderfully designed to create the perfect ambience of utmost leisure and comfort for all our clients.

Queen Wood Room Room Only

2587.5 INR
Book @337.5
Remaing pay@hotel

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No travel agent site gives hotel contact, also travel agent site use your personal data for promotional messages/calls but we won't.
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Kee2 Wood House Photos

Kee2 Wood House Photos

Kee2 Wood House, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu 624101 is a top choice for travelers seeking a great place to stay. This hotel is one of the Hotel in Kodaikanal. Our hotel offers modern amenities. When you choose to stay at our hotel, you'll experience excellent service and modern amenities. Whether you're here to explore the city's culture or attending important business meetings, our hotel offers the perfect blend of comfort and convenience. It is one of the best Hotel in Kodaikanal.

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Kee2 Wood House Reviews

google review

Vicky Vignesh

5 months agoon google


"Perched atop the serene hills of Kodaikanal, this charming cottage offers a picturesque retreat amidst nature's embrace. With breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and lush greenery, every moment spent here feels like a blissful escape. The cozy interiors, coupled with warm hospitality, create an unforgettable experience.

google review

Prem Shanker Pandey

6 months agoon google


if you don't belong to South India and know Tamil still want to enjoy the beauty of Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, Kee2 wood house may be your perfect stay due to 1. Personalized service and friendly staff can truly enhance the overall experience. These small hotels and houses deserve recognition for their exceptional hospitality! The staff anticipated our needs before we even asked, they take care of every need of visitors and never hesitated to help above and beyond of their responsibilities. 2. The staff at Kee2 Wood House made us feel like family. They remembered our names, preferences, and even surprised us with a personalized welcome note. Their warm smiles and attentive service made our stay truly memorable. They guide our driver where, when and how to reach top attraction of kodaikanal in their language 3. I highly recommend this house for anyone visiting Kodaikanal for their delicious free breakfast and politeness.

google review

Diana Priyanka

6 months agoon google


The property owner is the sweetest person ever, most helpful and kind. The place was very clean and the cook was good too.@

google review

ravi varman

a year agoon google


Well, It's a good and clean place to stay. I stayed there couple of times with my elderly mother and found that to be a comfy zone. Fresh and pressed linen where given to us, can't complain about the pillow and bed spreads; to my surprise those were crisp and fragrance in a rainy tropical place. Hot water is 24/7, good toiletries were offered to us. Food was completely home style and decent varieties. They are flexible to our needs. Again, when a elderly person feel comfortable; think about others. They even provided camp fire and bbq with it no matter if you are a bachelors crowd or a family or a couple, you will have a great time. Worth the stay.

Latest Updates

Kee2 Wood House: A Great Place to Stay

Kee2 Wood House is a wonderful place to stay when you visit the beautiful town of [City]. It’s only a short walk away from the nature landscape and other tourist location, making it very convenient.

Kee2 Wood House: Comfortable and Affordable

Kee2 Wood House has different types of rooms and suites to fit everyone’s needs and budget. Each room has modern amenities like air conditioning, free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and private balconies.

Kee2 Wood House: ExceptionalService

What makes Kee2 Wood House special is its great service. The staff are friendly and always work hard to make sure guests have a wonderful stay. We help with things like getting rides, booking tours, or handling special requests. The team at Kee2 Wood House is very good at taking care of guests.