Hotel Tiger Den - Hotel in Tabo

Address:Tabo, Himachal Pradesh 172113, India

Hotel Tiger Den Price and Availability

Check In Time :12:00 Noon| Check Out Time: 12:00 Noon |

Hotel Tiger Den | Double Bed Room with attach toliet
  • 2 Suitable Guests
  • 3 Max Guests

Double Bed Room with attach toliet

Room with all modern amenities and conveniences for the business or holiday travellers also wonderfully designed to create the perfect ambience of utmost leisure and comfort for all our clients.

Double Bed Room with attach toliet Room Only

2225.25 INR
Book @290.25
Remaing pay@hotel

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Hotel Tiger Den Photos

Hotel Tiger Den Photos

Hotel Tiger Den, Tabo, Himachal Pradesh 172113 is a top choice for travelers seeking a great place to stay. This hotel is one of the Hotel in Tabo. Our hotel offers modern amenities. When you choose to stay at our hotel, you'll experience excellent service and modern amenities. Whether you're here to explore the city's culture or attending important business meetings, our hotel offers the perfect blend of comfort and convenience. It is one of the best Hotel in Tabo.

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Hotel Tiger Den Reviews

google review

Vanessa Pamler

4 weeks agoon google


Super nice small hotel with a lovely garden. It is located close to the monastery. The food was really good! I can totally recommend the shashuka plate and the paneer butter masala 👍🏼 we also stayed for a tasty breakfast set. The owner is also very friendly and helpful fur further travel recommendations!

google review

Ritesh Arora

2 months agoon google


Right next to the iconic Tabo Monastery, one cannot miss Tiger Den. A perfect place to be in vicinity of centuries old monastery where I was awestruck with the legacy of art and architecture. Be it 1000 Budha wall, or the 34 Budha disciple statues or the vegetable & flower based ink paintings on the walls - amazing peice of history. The property spread across a wide area, and multiple floors has a variety of rooms, for single, doubles, families and are equipped with attached baths with all amenities one may need in any season. Sunil Bhai is the goto person for anything you need or have on your mind. He knows the place so well that I was able to leverage his inputs to plan my further travel - and hence the goto guy for me. He knows pretty much everyone around and was able to help me connect to contacts even after I had left. I really loved the calmness during the day, the spiritual vibles in mornings and evenings when Sunil Bhai played and mesmerized everyone with tunes of spiritual themes and mantras. You can rely on his recommendations anytime. The comfortable stay and food connected me back to home. Thank you Tiger Den and Sunil Bhai for a lifetime memory I carried from Tabo. I totally recommend any travellers to get in touch with Sunil bhai and enjoy a comfortable stay at Tiger Den Tabo. And, Tiger Den, I will see you soon to enjoy more of those seabuck thorn juices, teas and more...

google review

Johanna Rainer

a month agoon google


I loved this hotel! Nice and clean rooms, lovely garden to hang around and really good restaurant. People there were very helpful and kind.

google review

Truc Nguyen

a week agoon google


Small guesthouse with beautiful garden and affordable price! Food is tasty and the host is very friendly. Cleanliness can be improved a bit as there’re lots of flies in our room, lines and facilities in toilet definitely needs a refreshment.

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Hotel Tiger Den: A Great Place to Stay

Hotel Tiger Den is a wonderful place to stay when you visit the beautiful town of [City]. It’s only a short walk away from the nature landscape and other tourist location, making it very convenient.

Hotel Tiger Den: Comfortable and Affordable

Hotel Tiger Den has different types of rooms and suites to fit everyone’s needs and budget. Each room has modern amenities like air conditioning, free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and private balconies.

Hotel Tiger Den: ExceptionalService

What makes Hotel Tiger Den special is its great service. The staff are friendly and always work hard to make sure guests have a wonderful stay. We help with things like getting rides, booking tours, or handling special requests. The team at Hotel Tiger Den is very good at taking care of guests.